Center for Musical Research and Documentation (CIDoM)
University of Castilla-La Mancha. UCLM
Spanish National Research Council. CSIC
Leonard Cohen
Con María José Sánchez Parra

Ph. D. in Hispanic Philology with a doctoral dissertation entitled "Music and Literature: the rhetorical footpath. Towards a new consideration of the music in Cervantes’ Works". Master of Arts in Musicology, Master of Arts in Literary Theory and Master of Arts in Music (Piano). Actually he’s CIDoM Co-Director (Center for Musical Research and Documentation, Associated Unit of National Research Council).

International Conference. Las músicas de Cervantes: del patrimono histórico a su recepción musical (siglos XVI-XXI)
Cudad Real (Spain) 21-23 September, 2016
Musical Exchanges between Italy and Spain
in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
Roma, Instituto Cervantes, Piazza Navona
3-5 May, 2016
4th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development
Santiago de Compostela
23-25 June, 2016

Cervantes and Music: Meaning of Music in His Texts and Musical Reception of His Works
Every musical adaptation of a literary work has to be considered as an exercise of perception and interpretation that provides additional information on the hermeneutics of a writer’s works. These adaptations allow us to understand and explain how the literary work has been recreated and transformed in each epoch. Once a play or a novel has been put in music, every musical version offers the audience a sort of critical and at the same time musical thought that reflects a new conception —even misconception— of the work. It cannot be denied that Cervantes’s works have provided composers excellent material for their musical compositions and this fact has to be taken into account to describe the process of his musical reception: how the characters and the episodes of his works have been selected by composers and perceived by the audience and what kind of musical treatment —genres, musical patterns, etc— each composer provides.
Música y esclavitud en El celoso extremeño
El celoso extremeño es una de las Novelas ejemplares que más referencias musicales y alusiones a canciones muy difundidas de finales del siglo XVI recoge. La música servirá a Loaysa como instrumento eficaz para acceder a Leonora y entrar asà en el mundo femenino que el viejo Carrizales mantiene custodiado por el negro Luis, un viejo eunuco cuya torpe afición por la música será la perdición de la honra del anciano.
Songs in Cervantes' Texts
Here you have our little contribution in Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) on IVth Centenary of Cervantes' Death, talking about the songs included in Cervantes' works.